There is no such thing as a 1:1 replica grade. In reality, under close inspection, put side by side with the original piece, knowing which is which, a watchmaker will identify the replica. You can check youtube videos with up-close comparison of Superclone watches and original watches. However, the small differences that might appear, are not superior in quality, just small divergencies or offsets compared to the original. In real-life scenarios, without having the real watch next to the fake, even experienced watchmakers will have a hard time answering if it’s authentic. With that said, we strongly discourage and condemn our clients from trying to sell replica watches as original or fool anybody into thinking it’s original. Replica watches are meant to bring you the pleasure of owning and wearing the watch you desire, without breaking the bank, and have this masterpiece of craftmanship that will motivate you towards achieving new heights and goals in life.

We try our best to provide the information and pictures of the watches you like, however, at times our customer support and warehouse get super solicited and we are compelled to focus on existing customers. After placing an order, within 2-6 days you will receive Quality Control photos before shipping the watch to you, so you will have the option to confirm or reject the watch and request a replacement or refund.

Please note that during busy seasons, to speed up the fulfillment process, we might ship the watch right away, and if you specifically prefer to see photos of the watch before delivery you should point that out to our customer support via email or chat on the website.


After placing the order, it will take 2-6 days for it to be sent to the Quality Control department from the warehouse, thoroughly inspected, and shipped, after which you will receive an EMS/DHL tracking number by mail.

It takes 10-25 business days for the watch to be delivered to you.

The watch comes without a box and papers to avoid high shipping and product costs. If you need a box, you can add it to your order as a separate item.

The watch will be sent as a “Gift” with a value under $100 to avoid customs fees and taxes. If you are aware of your customs being exceptionally strict, especially for packages shipped from Hong Kong, please contact customer support before ordering!

We strongly encourage our clients to pay with cryptocurrencies, as it is the safest, fastest, and most anonymous way to pay online, and you still get Buyer Protection coverage. We offer a 10% discount to incentivize our clients to adopt this progressive payment system. Considering it will take you around 5 minutes to purchase cryptocurrencies in case you don’t have them, it’s a bargain!

We do accept PayPal and Visa/Mastercard payments in a limited manner because payment processing companies do not accept replica products, and we can’t accept all the incoming orders as it induces additional verifications and suspension of our accounts.

If the original watch has a ceramic bezel, our replica watch bezel is ceramic as well!

Worldwide shipping! Except for a few locations with customs restrictions (check our checkout page). If your country isn’t listed, we can’t ship there just yet. Stay tuned for updates!